February Courses
Sweets combining tradition and innovation, created through the skill of a Japanese confectionery craftsman of long standing. Japanese tea and cocktails using painstakingly selected tea leaves. Enjoy paired courses, choosing from five sweets and five Japanese teas

1 Budding
Tender grass breathing new life
in the desolate soil
Mugwort, iyokan, chamomile, peanuts

2 Young Spring
Pale glow intensifying with each passing day
Japanese chestnut, milk chocolate, apple, caramel

3 Icy Red Plums
Crimson whispers of spring
streaking the frigid sky
Gyuhi, pistachio, Griotte cherries

4 Songbird of Spring’s Approach
As the snow recedes,
springtime melodies echoing across the peaks
Avocado, Asian pear, pink pepper

5 Yearning
A sweet reverie of silent longing
sealed safely away in the heart
Cacao, apricot, white bean paste

1 Aotsuyu Gyokuro
Silky to the lips, with a lingering blue aroma
A special blend gyokuro of Rishouen ujihikari and samidori leaves, crafted by Naoki Kagata.

2 Benifuki Japanese Black Tea
Floral aromas intertwine, followed by a sweet lingering aftertaste
Takanashi Tea Farm’s first spring pick of benifuki

3 Bud’s Aroma
Radiance of the first buds, residing in bitterness
Sencha, hops, lemon, Ki No Tea Gin (absent in mocktail)

4 Foretellings
New life budding to grow,
where spring’s scent lingers on the branch tips
Iribancha, apple, arare, Ao Whiskey (absent in mocktail)

5 Iwao No Mukashi Matcha
A smooth cup of tea, brought to life
by the art of tradition and stone-ground leaves
The favorite at Ryuouen tea shop of the Mushakojisenke school’s fourteenth head, Futetsusai